

Why Should I Speak to a Disability Lawyer if I Haven’t Applied?

Why Should I Speak to a Disability Lawyer if I Haven’t Applied?

The process of applying for Social Security Disability benefits can be confusing if you’re not sure how to properly fill out the paperwork. You need the right medical documentation as well, and because of this, more than 65% of claims filed are rejected initially. Speaking with a lawyer beforehand could be the difference between your application being approved and denied.

Medical Conditions and Disability Claims: Do You Qualify?

Medical Conditions and Disability Claims: Do You Qualify?

The Social Security Administration’s Listing of Medical Impairments is a guide containing medical conditions that, given certain conditions are met, automatically qualify you for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).

How to Prove Disability

How to Prove Disability

When seeking to qualify for either Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income, you will be required to prove your disability. Remember most claims are denied by SSA initially.

Mental Health Disability Claims

Mental Health Disability Claims

The Social Security Administration uses pre-established mental health guidelines to determine which applicants for benefits qualify. These disabling impairments and their criteria are listed in what is referred to as the Blue Book.

Social Security Disability Law: A Beginner’s Guide

Social Security Disability Law: A Beginner’s Guide

The Social Security Disability Law is a federal law that lays out the rules that dictate who can receive disability benefits from the federal government. If you are determined to meet the requirements, you are then eligible to receive the benefits, and the state in which you live is obligated to meet the requirements needed for your comfort and quality of life.

What Is OASDI?

What Is OASDI?

OASDI stands for Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance. It is the long-form name of the Social Security benefits in the US. It is the fund that is paid into by the withholdings on your paycheck.

A Look into the SSDI Application Process

A Look into the SSDI Application Process

The application and approval process for Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, can look straightforward and fairly simple at a glance, but in reality, getting approval can be quite difficult without proper preparation.

What Happens at a Disability Hearing?

What Happens at a Disability Hearing?

While it may seem like a daunting event, the average Social Security disability hearing will only last between 15 and 60 minutes. Hearings with Administrative Law Judges are generally fairly informal.

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